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Make Dubai-Africa business easier.
DATE will actively build bridges and platforms for Dubai-Africa business cooperation, provide high-quality and efficient services, and help enterprises explore the African market.
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Why to Visit?
Osaka, the UAE’s most populous city, is now an international trade and business hub, with an economy organized around four pillars: trade, transport, tourism, and technology. Visitors to OSAKA AFRICA TRADE EXPO represent the highest ranks of the public and private sectors that focus on renewable, energy and the environment. Senior government officials from across the Africa and around the world attend this event, including ministers, heads of governmental institutions and international diplomatic delegations.

Conduct Business Transactions

Over the ten days of Osaka-Africa Trade Expo, millions of dollars of contracts are negotiated and signed. This figure is set to rise in 2022, in line with African export demand for renewable energy technology. 87% of attendees at Osaka Africa Trade Expo are decision makers, purchasers and influencers.

Global Exposure

With over 60 countries represented Osaka Africa Trade Expo is a truly global exhibition and conference, providing your business with multiple opportunities to reach new and potential customers from across the globe.

Knowledge Exchange

The Osaka Africa Trade Expo conference hosts over 350 speakers from the renewable, gas, LNG and energy industry. The Osaka Africa Trade Expo conference is led by a governing body made up of industry experts and business leaders from across the global, helping delegates to discover hundreds of insights and solutions in one place.

Choosing the right country

 Africa’s 54 countries each exhibit unique regulatory and political environments, which greatly influence their investment attractiveness. For example; the required returns for a project in Morocco, which has a relatively established regulatory environment, may be comparatively less than those required for a project in the continent’s youngest nation, South Sudan.

Choosing the right project to invest in

Understanding project returns and costs of capital are critical for investment decision making. This information is notoriously scarce in a geography where secondary market transactions are limited – this is especially true in the African context.

Choosing the right technology

New investors may need guidance as to which technologies are best suited for the regulatory environments and resources available in each country. The question then becomes, ‘how does one estimate the returns of an onshore wind farm in Kenya versus a solar project in Nigeria?’